Reason of Helping


At IMM, we believe that education is the cornerstone of success and is the most important solution to breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. With a family income of less than 10,000, the ultra-poor often struggle to make..

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Senior Citizen's Care

Though over the last few decades the focus has primarily been on the destitute elder, ensuring that the underprivileged elderly are reached through its various services in the areas of financial, health and emotional security..

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Family Counciling Center

IMM is running a Family counselling centre assisted by central social welfare board, New Delhi, conducting counselling, referral and rehabilitative services to women victims who are in moral danger within the family or society..

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At IMM, we believe that education is the cornerstone of success and is the most important solution to breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. With a family income of less than 10,000, the ultra-poor often struggle to make..

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Senior Citizen's Care

Though over the last few decades the focus has primarily been on the destitute elder, ensuring that the underprivileged elderly are reached through its various services in the areas of financial, health and emotional security..

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Family Counciling Center

IMM is running a Family counselling centre assisted by central social welfare board, New Delhi, conducting counselling, referral and rehabilitative services to women victims who are in moral danger within the family or society..

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New Beginning, New life

"To look into some aspects of the future, we do not need super computers. Much of the millennium can be seen in how we care for our children today. Tomorrow's world may be influenced by science and technology, but more than anything it is already taking shape in the bodies and minds of our children."

We Need Your Help

We sincerely request all the Individuals, other nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), Corporate Social Responsibility for their support to INDIRAMMA MAAHILA MAANDALI (IMM), so that we can go ahead in our aim for various programs like helpless